1. Jacob McDaniels says:

    Let's assume that this website actually printed the truth for a change, and say this article is correct. If there is not a problem with weeds or insects then Roundup and Bt crops truly are not needed or wanted by the farmers. Why would they want them. However, in this country where Cutworm and Rootworm are a serious problem then yes farmers do want them. Farmers also love Roundup for $3 an acre when they use to spray conventional chemicals that hardly ever worked for about $50 an acre.

    1. Peter Piper says:

      Go and drink a litre of Roundup you numskull

    2. I don't know what page you are reading off but you are wrong. Farmers don't want it but manipulated economics and DEFRA are pulling the strings and make it all but impossible to farm any other way.

  2. Jacob McDaniels, what an intelligent comment.
    Kill the weeds with Roundup and Kill people too!
    Please educate yourself!

  3. Sam Thorne says:

    Corporate Personhood: Corporations each have all the rights any human being has, but not the responsibility. Corporations can't even be incarcerated for behavior that would be capital crimes if committed by real people.
    Please engage your cynicism detector while reading the following:
    "What ever they damn well please", describes corporate and bureaucratic policy – policy written by committees convened for the ulterior motive of gathering adequate stupidity when the stupidity of one person won't suffice.
    Maybe that seems funny, but wouldn't it explain a few things?

    1. A very interesting point and one that should be brought to everyone's attention.

  4. I'm up for a fight against against all of these corrupt unnatural representatives of evil. I am from Wales UK, that's Britain if anyone is unsure. I live in the most rural part of Wales amongst the farming community although I am not a farmer. I do not know anyone around these parts in the farming community or in the local towns, who would knowingly grow, consume or promote GM foods.
    I am actively trying to support a natural insect pollinating environment in my garden and it is obvious to me and many others that we have more than enough problems with already accepted pesticides, that have decimated our natural habitats and wildlife.
    "A UK government report showed that 67 chemicals, including Agent Orange derivatives, dioxins and PCBs exclusively made by Monsanto, are leaking from the Brofiscin quarry, near Groesfaen in Wales, an unlined porous quarry that was not authorized to take chemical wastes. It emerged that the groundwater had been polluted since the 1970s.[100][101] The government was criticised for failing to publish information about the scale and exact nature of this contamination. The UK Environment Agency estimated that it would cost £100m to clean up the site, called "one of the most contaminated" in the UK".
    We don't want Monsanto or any other monsters in our beautiful country. We know you are already here and we want you out, O.U.T. out.

  5. GMO Corn Fed says:

    Ann, it’s all that experience in working at the Sports Authority in Winfield Illinois that is finally starting to pay off. Although it is true he often is not the sharpest Crayon in the box.

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